Impro movement classes


This is a contemporary dance course where dancers and non-dancers are welcome too!

The GroovEssence dance journey is a continuous discovery through which you can get to know your body's possibilities, stretching the limits of your comfort zone.

The goal is to be able to harmonize your body and mind, and to learn to enjoy the process.



December 2, 5-6 pm

address: THE CONFLUENCE, 1995 6th Ave, Castlegar, BC V1N 3B2

Come and get a taste of the Groovessense experience in Castlegar!

Some of the qualities with which you are going to meet for sure:

floating - is the basis of our existence (let's find out together why)

stretching - letting the stretch free our stuck body parts

shaking - like the best coffee or singer shot freshening you up

creating tension - experiencing the effort and the joy in making effort - you can make a change

juiciness - let's get goofy - playful - connect to the 4 year old energy inside you

and so on...

We are also going to create a short sequence of movements where you can start to use these kind of textures and qualities. For the closing of the class we give ourselves some time to process all the sensations we have been through.