Our vision was to create a place where people's creativity can flourish and grow in a safe and motivating environment regardless of their age.

Our team members are highly successful creative professionals and top level educators with decades of experience.

Sophie Barbarics

"I like things to happen, and if they don't happen

I like to make them happen"

I started dancing when I was 10 years old, so it has always been a huge part of my life.

I began teaching kids at the age of 19 in several dance schools across Hungary. I traveled around Europe and Asia to hold classes and workshops ( e.g. Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Portugal, and India).

Throughout my career I worked with many professionals and amateurs as well, therefore I see and understand how to talk to and properly approach people coming from all sorts of backgrounds. I've come to understand what kind of physical and mental differences we have to take into account while teaching, which is the main focus of my instructional methodology.

I received my Master's Degree from the Hungarian Dance University, where I graduated with distinction in 2015. In 2010, I received my BA in Croatian Language and Literature from University of Eötvös Loránd.

I have always been mesmerized by languages - I've learned 7 of them so far.

A human life offers endless opportunities and in my opinion, it'd be a waste not to utilize those opportunities. The many languages we speak, that's how many ways we think.

In this vein, I perceive the acquisition of dance language as akin to mastering any foreign language—an exciting, yet terrifying discovery.

Jani Lakatos

I learned analog photography in my high school years, but in that period of my life I was more driven towards the fine arts, which I practiced for ten years.

Later, I continued to chase my passion for visual arts becoming a professional dancer and choreographer, then professor at the Hungarian Dance University.

After working and teaching all around the world I had a vision to connect all my experiences in photography again in 2016.

My main disciplines are portraiture, movements and creative campaign works for artists, theatres and companies.